Vortex energy purchased the partly developed project, led to the stage of readiness for construction, has obtained a building permit, raised financing and comprehensively implemented.
Two wind turbines of type GE 2. 5/120 are located in the vicinity of the FW Jóźwin wind farm in Kazimierz Biskupi County. The commissioning of the Park took place in December 2015.
A third turbine of type GE 2. 75/110 located in Stefanowo will be erected in the second phase. The commissioning of the new installation will occur by the end of June 2016.
Location: | Polska, woj. wielkopolskie, gmina Kazimierz Biskupi, w sąsiedztwie FW Jóźwin |
Date of putting into service: | 12/2015 r. (I etap – 2 EW), 06/2016 (II etap – 1 EW) |
Total installed power: | 7,75 MW |
Number of turbines: | 2 x 2.5 MW + 1 x 2.75 MW |
Turbine manufacturer: | GE |
Additional information: | Vortex Energy zakupił częściowo rozwinięty projekt, doprowadził do etapu gotowości do budowy, uzyskał pozwolenie na budowę, pozyskał finansowanie, a także kompleksowo zrealizował budowę. |
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