The localization of the land is extremly important for the investment and its future infrastructure.
We’re looking for land all over Poland.
What is important when you want to lease out your land?
In the case of areas for solar farms, it is important to:
the land is of IV, V or VI land class
the area of land is of minimum 2 hectares
the land is located outside areas with forms of nature protection (national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks, Natura 2000 areas)
the land isn‘t shaded eg. by buildings
the land isn’t covered by local zoning plan, and if it is, it should allow for the construction of a photovoltaic power plant
If you own a land and you are interested to lease it out, please contact us. We can help you check the ground if it’s right for the investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
The land lease
for solar projects
In the case of areas for the construction of wind farms, it is important that:
the land is of IV, V or VI land class,
the land is located outside areas with forms of nature protection (national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks, Natura 2000 areas)
in land’s neighborhood there aren’t any buildings
If you own a land and you are interested to lease it out, please contact us. We can help you check the ground if it’s right for the investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us
The land lease
for wind projects
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